Achieve Double-Digit Growth
Most companies desire to grow, to meet organisational objectives, but very few actually grow year-on-year. Why? In our opinion, Growth = Desires x Disciplines That is, it takes more than desire or setting targets to grow a company, and it takes more than intentions to become a great organisation. There are certain disciplines (or practices) that guarantee growth or help one to achieve organisational outcomes.
This highly intensive, interactive and practical Workshop on THE DISCIPLINES OF GROWTH has been designed to help senior business leaders responsible for driving growth and achieving organisational outcomes to achieve their performance objectives by practising four disciplines.
Learning Outcomes:
- 1. Identify the two characteristics of growing companies.
- 2. Recognise the “Five Paths to Perdition”.
- 3. Learn the common internal hindrances to growth.
- 4. Understand how to make the tweaks in their organisational culture to grow.
- 5. Recognise growth opportunities in the external environment.
- 6. Strategically pursue growth opportunities in the external environment.
- 7. Learn how to execute their growth strategies effectively.